A Little History!
Potomac School is on the National Register of Historic Places. Potomac’s first schoolhouse was completed in 1888, but as the demand for better education grew, it was decided a new building was needed. In 1913, the new school house opened with 52 students in grades 1-12 and five teachers. Although the school accommodated the learning needs of the Potomac youth, a space of physical education and athletics was found wanting. The community rallied to meet the need. Constructed by residents using local timber milled on site, the community center was completed and incorporated in 1978. It received nonprofit status in 1995 and is guided by a set of by-laws. The Potomac School continues to serve in much the same capacity as it did one hundred years ago educating the children of the valley within a culture of excellence, preparing them for their future while accenting the small community experience.
Today, during the school year, the Potomac Greenough Community Center is home to Potomac School's 7th & 8th grade classes, lunch program, physical education classes, Pioneer Sports Programs, and MCT performances. After school hours it serves the Potomac Greenough and surrounding communities with a plethora of clubs, organizations, and activities. The Potomac Greenough Community Center is ever changing to meet the ever-changing needs of our youth and our community. Now 46 years old, the center continues to meet its mission and is a symbol of our community's independence and spirit.
Our mission is to promote and encourage recreational, social and educational activities and programs which will benefit persons throughout the Potomac Greenough area.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”.
— Margaret Mead